Monday, June 30, 2008

Another Sunday - Another Picture Attempt

This time I decided to take a picture inside where it was cool, hoping that I would capture the "perfect" pose. No luck this week, but I am getting closer!! It is really hard to get a decent picture of 4 squirming kids (2 of them being 1-year-olds). I am hoping to get a good, wall-worthy picture of all 4 of them together before Kendall goes to college!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww your girls look so cute in those pink chinese dresses

Presley's Adoption Timeline

  • 8/15/2007 - Received referral for Geneva!
  • 9/13/2007 - Sent LOI (letter of intent) to our agency
  • 9/29/2007 - LOI was sent to China!
  • 10/08/2007 - LOI was delivered to the CCAA in China
  • 10/29/2007 - PA (pre-approval) was issued!!
  • 1/15/2008 - DTC (dossier to China)
  • 1/18/2008 - Dossier delivered to CCAA
  • 1/25/2008 - LID (log-in date)
  • 4/1/2008 - LOA (letter of acceptance)
  • 4/25/2008 - CCAA issues TA (travel approval)
  • 5/22/2008 - Leave for China!!!
  • 5/25/2008 - Met our sweet Lexi!
  • 5/26/2008 - Discovered Lexi had brain damage
  • 5/30/2008 - Met precious Presley!
  • 6/7/2008 - Arrived home

My Family

My Family
My favorite people!!