Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Screwed up my blog!!!!!!

Okay, so I was trying to adjust my margins so that I could enlarge my pictures. Then I noticed that all of my stuff on the side went down to the bottom. So I thought I would just change my margins back, but I don't know where to do that because the coding is completely different now. It's not the same as it was before!!! Oh well, I've been looking for an excuse to spend the money to have someone design a blog for me. Maybe now is the time!!! Can anyone recommend anyone for me?? Thanks!!


DawnS said...

Oh no!!! The pictures look really cool big like that though! Soooo... I tagged you over on my blog for a friendship award, you don't post about yourself either - so I can't wait to learn new things about you :)

Waitingfaithfully said...


Yikes, you do have problems (and I have no idea how to help you)! But I love the big pictures!

I do have a recommendation for a blog designer! Her name is Alexis and she is 15, she just started her business and from what I've seen I'm very impressed! She did my friend Robin's blog, and she just re-did Linny's blog (A Place Called Simplicity). You can see the makeovers here--

Alexis is doing blog design to raise money to help China's orphans--so it's a win, win!

Hope you get things figured out! :)



Gwen said...

Hey, I've been wanting to make my pictures bigger, too. But I have no idea how to do this, and I'm sure I'd screw up the design that a friend did for me.
There are several people with adoption blogs who do blog designing... and right now I'm drawing a blank.
Anyway, I love your new pictures! :)

Sarah said...

Jen does a great job... and her waiting list isn't a month long. :) And this comes from someone who used to do blog design.

Jodi said...

I'm so glad there is someone else who can't figure this out either!
Tee! Hee!
I love the photos that size though!!

Heather BT said...

Here's the place, she's raised a lot of money for good cause this way.

Presley's Adoption Timeline

  • 8/15/2007 - Received referral for Geneva!
  • 9/13/2007 - Sent LOI (letter of intent) to our agency
  • 9/29/2007 - LOI was sent to China!
  • 10/08/2007 - LOI was delivered to the CCAA in China
  • 10/29/2007 - PA (pre-approval) was issued!!
  • 1/15/2008 - DTC (dossier to China)
  • 1/18/2008 - Dossier delivered to CCAA
  • 1/25/2008 - LID (log-in date)
  • 4/1/2008 - LOA (letter of acceptance)
  • 4/25/2008 - CCAA issues TA (travel approval)
  • 5/22/2008 - Leave for China!!!
  • 5/25/2008 - Met our sweet Lexi!
  • 5/26/2008 - Discovered Lexi had brain damage
  • 5/30/2008 - Met precious Presley!
  • 6/7/2008 - Arrived home

My Family

My Family
My favorite people!!