Saturday, May 09, 2009

Black Widows - Yikes!!!

Last night Derek went black widow hunting outside. They only come out at night, so you have to find them at night and spray them directly to kill them. This is one of the spiders he got. It had climbed up the wall and you can see where it spun its web to hang on before it died. I don't like spiders, but black widows really are kind of pretty!!
Dead black widow spider
Dead black widow spider


Jill said...

Um, GROSS girl!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!
Love ya!!!

Gwen said...

My hubby is terrified of black widows. Me, not so much. :)

ellieshine said...

pretty but SCARY! We had them when we lived in AZ in our garage. How are you?? any job news?

Sarah said...

Oh my!

Presley's Adoption Timeline

  • 8/15/2007 - Received referral for Geneva!
  • 9/13/2007 - Sent LOI (letter of intent) to our agency
  • 9/29/2007 - LOI was sent to China!
  • 10/08/2007 - LOI was delivered to the CCAA in China
  • 10/29/2007 - PA (pre-approval) was issued!!
  • 1/15/2008 - DTC (dossier to China)
  • 1/18/2008 - Dossier delivered to CCAA
  • 1/25/2008 - LID (log-in date)
  • 4/1/2008 - LOA (letter of acceptance)
  • 4/25/2008 - CCAA issues TA (travel approval)
  • 5/22/2008 - Leave for China!!!
  • 5/25/2008 - Met our sweet Lexi!
  • 5/26/2008 - Discovered Lexi had brain damage
  • 5/30/2008 - Met precious Presley!
  • 6/7/2008 - Arrived home

My Family

My Family
My favorite people!!