Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Vacation pics - Bowling

After Kendall's baptism, we went bowling at BYU. Kendall had a great time with Sadie and her cousins!
Annie has great form!!

Kendall, not so much.



Did my daddy really just bowl a strike???


"What? I only bowled a 250?"


Oh puuuleeeez!!!!

Kendall planned ahead and color coordinated her undies with her bowling shoes.

Beautiful Sisters


The new third graders

Sadie and Kendall

Friends Forever!!

Kendall and Annie


No comments:

Presley's Adoption Timeline

  • 8/15/2007 - Received referral for Geneva!
  • 9/13/2007 - Sent LOI (letter of intent) to our agency
  • 9/29/2007 - LOI was sent to China!
  • 10/08/2007 - LOI was delivered to the CCAA in China
  • 10/29/2007 - PA (pre-approval) was issued!!
  • 1/15/2008 - DTC (dossier to China)
  • 1/18/2008 - Dossier delivered to CCAA
  • 1/25/2008 - LID (log-in date)
  • 4/1/2008 - LOA (letter of acceptance)
  • 4/25/2008 - CCAA issues TA (travel approval)
  • 5/22/2008 - Leave for China!!!
  • 5/25/2008 - Met our sweet Lexi!
  • 5/26/2008 - Discovered Lexi had brain damage
  • 5/30/2008 - Met precious Presley!
  • 6/7/2008 - Arrived home

My Family

My Family
My favorite people!!