With all the rains we had here, part of our fence blew down (luckily it is currently being held up by our neighbors trees) and the girls window leaked, ran down the back of the wall, and underneath their carpet. I had to pull up the carpet and let it dry out.
A family member was backing out of our driveway (our driveway has a slight curve in it and a lamp post you have to watch out for, it is very tricky), a pickup (that was replacing Derek's car windshield) was double parked with it's tailgate down and it was dark and you couldn't see the tailgate was down. Our van was backed into the tailgate and ripped down the bumper. So now our van is in the shop until next week.
But Presley doesn't seem to realize it's been a hard couple of weeks. And besides, cookies make everyone happy!!
Whew!!! Hoping this new week is better for all involved!
Love the Presley pics!
Blessings ~
Wow! Hopefully things will be looking up these next couple of weeks! :)
Cute Presley! So much beautiful hair now!
Sorry it has been rough around there :( I hope you have a great next coupla weeks. CUTE pictures! Did you get a new lens??
Oh my lands!
Cookies do make it all better don't they!
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