I recently read a post at one of my favorite blogs: http://gesweinfamily.com/. They are a family with 2 young school-age children that are from Texas and have lived in China for 2 years. I love reading about all of their China adventures. Recently she posted on bento lunches that she was packing for her girls. I realized that that is the type of lunch that would be perfect for my kids. It is small portions of a lot of different things. I did it today and they loved it and ate really well. I don't have a bento lunchbox (yet!!), but I realized that I did have these baby food containers that I had saved. I use them to make individual portions of pudding and jello, but they are perfect for lunches! Especially for Carson since he has low muscle tone and these lids come off really easy. This is Kendall's lunch tomorrow. She is having grapes, pretzels, froot loops, and a boiled egg. She is also having some mini rice cakes that aren't in the picture. Once I get to Sacramento I want to try and find an Asian store with some bento lunchboxes. There are a ton on Ebay, but hopefully I can find one there or in San Francisco.
PS - Remember my gripe from yesterday about the lady that was parked at the kindergarten/first grade drop off? Well today as I was pulling up, she was just leaving. Yay!! I pulled right up in back of another car. The kids got out of that car and then the mom got out of the car and proceeded to walk her children inside!! I was stuck because I had pulled up close, there was a Suburban behind me that had pulled up right next to me, and there was another car behind the Suburban. I had to do the little back and forth going inches at a time until I got out. Oh well, it's not like I was in a hurry or anything!!
I hate, Hate, HATE that kindergarten drop off. I thought about mentioning the problem to the principle, then we moved away and forgot all about it. But I bet she doesn't even realize that there is a problem there. All it would take is having a teacher or aide stand at that curb to move any parking violators along. I know you're moving too, but it might help future parents out. We miss you!
What a great lunch idea! I MUST try this!
Glad to see you back girl! I was getting a bit worried! I missed ya!
Hugs, Jill
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